The Sustainable Development Committee focuses on how ports can contribute to sustainable transport growth in and around the European Union’s largest cities.
Ports key to logistics and reducing emissions
— Port cities must facilitate growth in shipping while reducing emissions. An important, first step is to create effective logistic solutions using waterways. Ports are key to helping cities support sustainable transport growth, says port nerd and Port of Oslo environmental manager, Heidi Neilson.
Collaboration for the green shift
The green shift’s, Green Deal, launched a flood of dialogue across Europe. Current topics include climate change, emissions, sustainable energy solutions, maintaining biodiversity, and effective use of resources.
— I look forward to collaborating with skilled colleagues in Europe’s large and small ports. Working together, we can succeed with the green shift. It’s a great opportunity to explore a variety of approaches and solutions. As chair of the sustainability committee, I’ll listen, learn and help find solutions that will contribute to increasing sea transport while reducing emissions both locally and globally, says Neilson.
The working group meets twice a year. The next meeting is part of the Green Port environmental conference, held annually in October.
Connecting Norway to the EU
Norway and Port of Oslo will chair an ESPO committee for the first time, after participating in committees for several years. Port of Oslo is among the smaller European ports with six million metric tons of goods and almost seven million passengers.
— Collaboration with ESPO allows Port of Oslo and other Norwegian ports to actively influence future policies for ports throughout the EU. We also have an opportunity to connect with our peers in Europe’s largest ports, such as Rotterdam, Hamburg, and Bremerhaven, and sharpen our skillset. Exploring sustainable environmental and economic solutions is exciting. I’m looking forward to two hectic and interesting years, says Neilson.